Slating roof requires great skill
The traditional method of slating requires great skill to produce an attractive, completed roof finish. Natural slate is recognised throughout the world as one of the finest building materials available.
The material has a capability to withstand the most extreme environmental and weather conditions. Its durability and its unique natural beauty makes it such a natural choice to flatter so many buildings.
Brown Roofing, through its wide supply chain base, can offer competitive solutions in all slate products, either from a UK source or alternatively from the wide range of product available from Spain or from further afield.
Best quality material standards
All slate purchased and used by Brown Roofing requires to meet current best quality material standards in order to provide assurance to the end user regarding future performance. The work is undertaken by our fully trained operatives working in accordance with the requirements of BS5534:2003 + A1:2010. The result will be a roof that will enhance your building project with a timeless natural appearance.
How to find us
Brown Roofing
Valley Barns
Golden Lane
Essex, CO16 0LE
Tel: 01255 862511
Company Registration No. 3631037
VAT Registration No. 688 6524 75
Quick Response
Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 8.00 a.m - 5.30 p.m
Saturday and Sunday: Closed